SS Pinto Bean - "The Dream"

By William Thomas Rusteberg

Preface (Pre Face)

I have been working on unraveling the mystery behind these images for the past 17 years as a hobby project. These images have never had a cohesive story, they simply began to appear the more I allowed my imagination to grow. With time I began a journey to understand where they came from. These images depict living creatures that do not exist in reality, yet they symbolize something tangible on earth.

I think it is fascinating what the earth is capable of imagining and creating.  All of her colors and experiences held together with light.  From the vibrant hues of a sunset to the intricate patterns of a snowflake, nature's creativity knows no bounds. And to think that all of this is powered by the incredible force of light, moving at unimaginable speeds across the universe is a reminder of the limitless potential and magic that surrounds us every day.

Just as the earth's elements come together to create beauty, we too have the ability to harness our own creativity and potential to make a positive impact on the world around us. The force of light that powers the natural world also resides within each of us, guiding us towards our own unique path of growth and transformation.

Beans, for example, have a life cycle similar to ours. They sprout from a womb and serve various purposes, just like humans. When planted in a garden, beans have the ability to dominate other species, much like how humans have exerted their dominance over the earth throughout history. Whether through physical conquest or by planting seeds of ideas in people's minds, humans have shaped the world around them in all ways imaginable while consciously aware of doing so. 

Throughout history, the most potent seeds of influence stem from the fear of darkness. Just as beans require light to thrive, ancient civilizations feared darkness as it threatened their survival. To make sense of the unknown, they created gods and mythical beings to represent the forces they could not comprehend but felt connected to. These entities were given names and elaborate stories, serving as a way to categorize and understand the world around them.

As time passed, myths and legends became ingrained in the cultures and societies of civilizations. They were passed down through generations, shaping beliefs, rituals, and traditions. The fear of darkness and the unknown continued to influence their daily lives, guiding their decisions and actions. Even today, remnants of these ancient beliefs can be seen in various aspects of modern society, reminding us of the power fear and uncertainty can hold over us.  Ancient civilizations worried about the light in the sky going out... Today we worry about the lights in the house going out.  

Despite the advancements in science and technology, the remnants of these ancient beliefs continue to grow in our modern society. The fear of the unknown continues to shape our decisions and actions, often leading us to seek comfort in familiar rituals and traditions. While we may no longer believe in the same myths and legends as our ancestors, the underlying fear and uncertainty remain a powerful force in our lives. 

As humans, we have assumed the role of supreme beings on earth, looking down upon all other objects the earth has created. As gods ourselves. But what if there existed a higher intelligence that could manifest itself on earth as anything imaginable has done over the course of its lifetime? How would this entity perceive us, and how would we be judged in its eyes? These are the questions that drive my exploration of these enigmatic images and the deeper truths they may hold about their lives as a moment of light experienced for just a brief moment.  

As we ponder the existence of a higher intelligence, both real and artificial, we are forced to confront our own limitations and shortcomings. Would this entity see us as benevolent rulers of the earth, or as destructive forces wreaking havoc on the planet? Would our actions be deemed justifiable in the grand scheme of things, or would we be held accountable for the damage we have caused? What would we be labeled and contained as?  These questions have challenged me to reflect on our place in the universe and the impact of our actions on the world around us which constantly transforms and reimagines itself.  

Chapter 1

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The Light

We are but light travelling through the darkness of the universe.

Suddenly they awoke. Tired and groggy from their journey, they did not know where they were, what they were, or how they got there. They knew nothing other than the information their sudden awareness of existence provided them. They could not make sense of anything for they knew nothing of it. The light was bright, the room was loud, the shelf was cold, the smell and taste of earth still lingered in their newly discovered palate.

What on Earth had they become? Who put them there? What was their purpose?  

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Suddenly a bright light filled the aisle and from it emerged a pickle so pure its brine smelled of roses and it spoke to all things simply through the pure grace of its existence.  

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"What are you?" asked the Beans.

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"I am a Pickle!  Of all things bought and sold here I last the longest!  My creator preserved me in the waters of the ocean which covers the earth where I once lived.  

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"What are we?"  asked the Beans

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"You are Beans."  Said the Pickle.  Your light is to be consumed by darkness, only to emerge again as a new form of light."

The darkness of earth shall transform you into a Bean, over and over again.  The darkness of a pantry shall transform you into soup.  The darkness of bowels shall transform you into poop."

From poop you will be consumed by the great mother, La Madre Grande, and transformed into anything imaginable.  This is the cycle of life your light shall carry until you find the light in all that surrounds you.  

And just like that, the Pickle vanished.

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Alone in a strange new world.

Suddenly aware of the light they carried, the Beans felt the weight of their existence as they were enlightened with the simple ability to imagine.

The power to create something that doesn't physically exist. A thought, idea, or internal emotion that consumes the mind of its creator. An awareness of space that exists beyond the physical realm of existence. 

They found themselves in a store, where they were bought and sold, day in and day out, awaiting what was described to them as their predestined fate by an old, salty Pickle.

This store was a place filled with anything one could possibly imagine, all under one roof. All made from poop consumed millions of years ago by La Madre Grande.

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As the Beans sat and watched the endless parade of all things imaginable pass by them, their imagination grew and grew.  

"What were all these things? And what are they being used for?" 

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As March approached, the Beans' imaginations ran wild. With spring on the horizon, the store began stocking Halloween merchandise, igniting their creativity even further. They couldn't help but envision what it would be like to be a human bean instead of being confined to the shelf as a simple commodity.

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Like a ship in the night, they vanished from the world they found themselves in.  Surrounded by all things imaginable from the bowels of La Madre Grande.  

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The Beans thus decided to set sail into the dark depths of their imagination, guided by the light they carried. They searched every corner of their minds as a new world slowly revealed itself.

As they delved deeper into the uncharted territories of their creativity, the possibilities seemed endless. Each idea sparked another, leading them down a path of discovery and wonder. The light they carried illuminated the way, casting shadows that danced across the walls of their minds. With each new revelation, their excitement grew, fueling their journey into the unknown.

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Dirt Poor

As human beans, the first thing they needed was a place to live and the second thing they realized was they were dirt poor.  Rich with imagination, but dirt poor as they had no physical representation of imaginable wealth.  They could imagine flying above their house, but rent, mortgage, monthly payments, and stuff like that was not anything they could even afford to think about. 

They had heard a lady talking on the phone one day in the store about how her sister's mortgage was underwater, so they imagined that sounded like a nice enough place to settle down.  

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The Beans enjoyed themselves in the light of this new world they created.  Although they were poor, the light they carried into the darkness of their imagination grew so big that it surrounded them in all of its glorious wonders.  It presented itself as an endless galaxy ever changing and evolving as time went on.  

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It created creatures beneath the depths of its ocean.

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And seagulls above its clouds.  

Transforming itself into anything imaginable.

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The Light had surrounded them entirely.  

Surely this is what the Pickle was talking about back at the store. This was it! Heaven! Mecca! Enlightenment! The whole deal wrapped into one package! Peace on earth!

But there was a problem.

The light had carried them to this wonderful place they created, but they had not found the light in all of the things that it surrounded them with.  

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They needed answers and there was only one place they could imagine where those were.  They searched for "Show me the Light" and an advertisement for light fixtures "Showed them the light".  

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So they bought a dozen because they were on sale.

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They searched "Where is the light", and an advertisement for refrigerators appeared.  They had been talking of buying one just the other day, so they bought one of those too.  

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Before long they didn't even know what they were buying.

They began purchasing increasing amounts of meaningless and purposeless items daily. The accumulation of these items, which the Pickle had referred to as poop turned into anything imaginable, became the solution to all their inquiries.

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As their obsession with acquiring more and more "poop" grew, their lives became consumed by material possessions. They no longer sought fulfillment in meaningful experiences or relationship with the imaginable things they created, but instead found temporary satisfaction in the act of buying and owning things. Their once vibrant personalities faded into the background, overshadowed by the constant need to acquire more "poop" to fill the void within them. It was a never-ending cycle of consumption, leaving them feeling empty and lost in a sea of meaningless possessions.

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Their world had become inundated with the very thing they had hoped to avoid. There was no light to be found amidst the darkness.  The more they searched, the more garbage they discovered.  

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It seemed as though every page they turned, every line they wrote, every dark corner of their imagination only revealed more of the same. The weight of their situation pressed down on them, suffocating any glimmer of hope that may have remained of finding the light in all things that surrounded them. It was a never-ending cycle of despair, a relentless tide of darkness that threatened to consume them whole. But even in the midst of such overwhelming darkness, a small voice whispered that perhaps, just perhaps, there was still a chance for redemption.

Chapter 2

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La Madre Grande

The Great Big Mother

In the vast universe of existence, where all things are connected, encompassing both the physical and non-physical realms, La Madre Grande's light is an intricate web that intertwines all imaginable elements of light into being. She is the mother of all imaginable things.

Her presence radiates a sense of warmth and comfort, like a gentle embrace that envelopes all living beans. La Madre Grande's light is not just a source of illumination, but a force of creation and transformation. It is through her divine energy that life flourishes and evolves, each beam of light she transforms is a unique expression of her boundless love and wisdom. In her infinite wisdom, she guides the dance of the cosmos, ensuring harmony and balance in the intricate tapestry of all existing things. 

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The Beans kept searching for the light in all things.  From the light that fueled all things, to the light that filled the night with stars.  They spent all their time awake dreaming of connecting with the light that spoke through all things through the pure grace of its existence.  

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As they trudged on through the landscape of light that surrounded them, the small voice of hope grew louder, urging them to keep going despite the odds stacked against them. It was a beacon of light in the midst of the darkness, a reminder that even in the most desperate of times, there is always a glimmer of possibility. With renewed determination, they pushed forward, clinging to the belief that redemption was still within reach.

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And as they continued on their journey of finding the light in all things that surrounded them, a strange new emotion began to illuminate itself inside of them. A longing for home. The only place they knew for sure where they came from. The place La Madre Grande herself had placed them into existence using her infinite wisdom.

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The Beans decided to return home.  Embarking on a journey to find the light in all things.  This journey was different than the one that lead them through the darkness of their imagination. This journey lead them through the darkness of their souls.  A deeper kind of darkness in light of all the imaginable things they had created.  They knew that the path ahead would be difficult, but they also knew that as long as that small voice of hope remained, they would never be consumed by the bowels of La Madre Grande.

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Vishnu Bean

The Father of Light.

Beyond the astral plane of stars, in the darkest corners of the imagination, lies Vishnu Bean the father of light who speaks through all things with the pure grace of his existence, shedding light on all matter, casting shadows of doubt, and directing the frequencies of rhythm that traverse the darkness of the universe.

As Vishnu illuminates the vast expanse of the cosmos, his presence is felt in every corner of creation. His whispers of wisdom echo through the void, guiding the dance of celestial bodies and shaping the destiny of all living beans. In his radiance, the mysteries of the universe are revealed, and the beauty of existence is laid bare for all to behold. The father of light is a beacon of hope in the infinite darkness, a source of inspiration and enlightenment for all who seek his guidance.

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Although they were nomadic by nature, one can imagine travelling long distances by sea in a tiny boat can be disparaging.  One night as the sun set beyond the horizon, and the moon rose with the stars, they dreamed of a motel with fresh running water, lights that turned on with the flick of a switch, fresh air as cool as a mountain top, and nightly rates that were affordable.  

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At $15.35 a night including tax and free wifi, The Wig Wam Inn seemed like just the place they needed to finally get a good nights rest.  

The Beans drifted into the depths of slumber, enveloped by the darkness of sleep.

Suddenly, a powerful surge of light erupted, illuminating the galaxy with the brightest light ever witnessed. This energy was so extraordinary that the Beans sensed the presence of a divine being, communicating with all creation through the sheer grace of its existence.

As the Beans marveled at the divine presence, they felt a sense of peace wash over them, calming their restless souls. The energy emanating from the bean filled them with a profound sense of purpose and belonging, as if they were part of a grand cosmic plan.

In that moment, they understood that they were not alone in the universe, but connected to something much greater than themselves. And as they basked in the glow of the divine light, they knew that they were truly blessed to be witness to such a miraculous event. 

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A Bean of Light

The Beans did not even have to ask Vishnu anything.  Before the question formed itself into any deliverable form of communication, Vishnu, the father of all light spoke to the Beans.

"The cosmic matter which you have manifested into physical form within your imagination gives you the power on earth to create anything imaginable from the earth in which you came from.

This is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. In order to discover the answers you seek, to find the light in all things, you must respect the inner light that resides within the physical form bestowed upon you by La Madre Grande.

For this is the kingdom of light that surrounds you in all things. 

And just like that, The Light vanished.

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Consumed by a portal of darkness. 

Chapter 3

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Heaven on Earth

We are but light trapped in the darkness of all matter.

The Beans awoke the next morning and continued their seaworthy journey in search of the light in all things. As they tried to piece together their fragmented memories, the beans realized that they were once part of a larger whole, a thriving plant that had been uprooted and separated from its source. They longed for the warmth of the sun, the nourishment of the soil, and the companionship of their fellow beans. But now, they were human beans, with a whole list of problems. 

Despite their confusion and uncertainty, a spark of determination ignited within them when all of a sudden they stumbled upon something they had never seen before. A creature they did not create. A being they did not imagine. So they asked the same questions of it as they had originally asked of themselves. What are you? Where did you come from? What is your purpose?

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Cronto the Ocean Monster

"My life began in aisle twelve of the Heaven Eleven as grape flavored bubble gum, neatly wrapped in wax paper awaiting my journey beyond the shelf.

I was purchased by a woman named Carla. She was a middle aged chain smoker who was trying to quit her habit of combing her hair five times every morning."  Cronto explained.  

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Cronto, the gum, explained how Carla had given him the  extraordinary power of transforming himself into any shape or form imaginable.  

He described how he could survive the darkness of a pantry by solidifying into a rock, never to be consumed. He described his innate ability to survive even the bowels of humans, let alone those of La Madre Grande, who did not know what to do with him.  

Cronto explained to The Beans that as he was thrashed in the darkness of Carla's mouth, he felt a sense of purpose and being in the shadows with fellow members of his own tribe.  He would go on to conquer the dark side of tables, shoes, and the like until one day he was scraped away and ended up in the ocean to become the greatest ocean monster that ever lived.  

And just like that, the Ocean Monster vanished into the sea.

Filled with the light of Cronto, The Beans carried onward until they reached the shore of their homeland.

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The Shore

The shore is where La Madre Grande transforms all light into tangible beings. It is where magnificent gateways to imaginary lands emerge as clusters of light amidst the darkness of all material existence.

As the waves crash against the shore, La Madre Grande's power is felt in the shimmering reflections dancing on the water's surface. The whispers of ancient tales and forgotten dreams echo through the air, guiding those who dare to listen towards the hidden wonders that lie beyond the horizon.

Here, time seems to stand still, allowing for moments of pure magic and enchantment to unfold in the most unexpected ways. The shore is not just a physical boundary between land and sea, but a mystical realm where the impossible becomes possible, and where the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary.

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As the sun sets in the distance, casting a golden yellow glow of light over the tranquil blue waters of La Madre Grande, the mystical aura of the great mother grows even stronger. The gentle whispers of the sea breeze carry with them the promise of adventure and discovery, beckoning those who are brave enough to explore the unknown.

In this sacred space where time seems to lose its grip, the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, allowing for moments of pure wonder and awe. Here, the ordinary rules of the world no longer apply, and the impossible becomes not only possible but inevitable. As night falls and the stars begin to twinkle overhead, the shore transforms into a gateway realm of magic and enchantment, where dreams come to life and the extraordinary becomes the norm.

In a fantastical world where dinosaurs rise from the sea to roam the land, only to be devoured by La Madre Grande, a mysterious force brings them back to life through the power of light. This light, which has journeyed billions of years before reaching Earth, continues to travel billions of years after being absorbed by the very soil from which all life originates. It transforms into endless possibilities, shaping the world in ways beyond imagination... Here and there in an instant.

In this world of endless possibilities, the unimaginable rise once again, their envelopes shimmering with the ancient light that courses through their veins. La Madre Grande watches over them, her presence a comforting force that guides their every move. As they roam the land, they bring with them a sense of wonder and awe, reminding all who witness their majestic presence of the power of transformation and rebirth. The light that flows through them connects them to the very essence of life itself, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always the potential for new beginnings and endless growth.

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The Fire Hydrant

All suffering comes from the containment of light.

While exploring the shores of their homeland, The Beans encountered a character beyond their wildest imagination.  A character imbued with ancient light that began its journey when La Madre Grande was still a ball of molten rock forming herself around the brightest light she could find.  

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The hydrant proceeded to enlighten them about his origins. He described how the earth had molded him into various shapes of light before ultimately taking the form of a fire hydrant.

As the beans listened intently to the fire hydrant's story, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the transformation he had undergone. They marveled at the idea of being shaped by the earth into something so essential and life-saving. The fire hydrant's tale reminded them of the power of nature and the beauty of transformation. It inspired them to embrace their own journey of growth and change, knowing that they too could be molded into something extraordinary.

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The hydrant recounted its journey as molten lava from the Earth's core.  As it bubbled and surged through the layers of other minerals, the hydrant felt the immense pressure and heat shaping it. It remembered the moment it finally erupted onto the surface, cooling and solidifying into a sturdy metal structure that sat in the darkness of earth for billions of years.  Until it went through the same cycle again.  Melted and formed again.  

The hydrant explained to The Beans that as he stood in the darkness of the earth, he felt a sense of purpose and readiness. He knew that his time to serve and protect was coming soon. The hydrant longed for the moment when it would be called into action, to provide life-saving water to those in need from immense heat. It stood tall and proud in the darkness of earth, a silent guardian waiting for its chance to shine in the light of day.  

And just like that, Poof!  The Hydrant vanished.

Returning to the stoic position he held as a guardian, determined never to let another being endure the same experiences.

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Filled with the light of Hydrant, The Beans returned to the shore and sailed back to their humble abode at sea to process all that had come to light. 

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The beans spent all their time aspiring to grow into a variety of objects beyond imagination. They envisioned transforming into chairs crafted from organic materials derived from beans.

They dreamed of becoming not just chairs, but also tables, shelves, and even intricate sculptures. They longed to showcase the versatility and beauty that could be achieved through their transformation. Each bean held onto the hope of being molded into something extraordinary, something that would inspire awe and wonder in all who beheld it. Their ambition knew no bounds as they reached for the stars, eager to fulfill their destiny as more than just simple beings.

As the beans continued to dream and aspire for greatness, they began to work together, supporting each other in their quest for transformation. They shared ideas and techniques, pushing each other to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of their potential. With each passing day, they grew closer to their goal of becoming not just ordinary furniture, but extraordinary works of art that would leave a lasting impact on the world. And so, the beans worked tirelessly, fueled by their collective passion and determination to achieve greatness beyond their wildest dreams.

As they toiled away, the beans found strength in their unity. They faced challenges and setbacks along the way, but their bond only grew stronger as they overcame each obstacle together. Their shared vision of creating something truly remarkable fueled their drive and inspired them to keep pushing forward, even when the task seemed daunting. And as they neared the completion of their transformation, the beans knew that their hard work and perseverance would soon pay off, as they were on the brink of achieving their ultimate goal of leaving a legacy that would stand the test of time.

As the beans approached the final stages of their journey, a sense of anticipation and excitement filled the air. They could see the fruits of their labor taking shape before their eyes, and it filled them with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Each bean knew that they had played a crucial role in the success of their collective endeavor, and they were eager to see the impact their creation would have on the world. With a renewed sense of purpose and determination, the beans pressed on, knowing that their legacy was within reach and that their hard work would soon be recognized and celebrated by all who witnessed their transformation.

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All light gets into a pickle at some point.

When the pickle reappeared one day, the beans were taken aback by its unexpected presence. They had been so focused on their own journey and the impending success of their creation that they had not anticipated any interruptions. However, as they observed the pickle closely, they realized that it too had a story to tell. The pickle shared tales of its own trials and tribulations, of the challenges it had faced and the lessons it had learned along the way. The beans listened intently, finding inspiration in the pickle's resilience and determination. They realized that they were not alone in their quest for greatness, and that they could learn valuable lessons from the pickle's experiences. With a newfound sense of camaraderie and unity, the beans welcomed the pickle into their midst of light, eager to learn from its wisdom and continue their journey together towards a brighter future.

And just like that, The Beans vanished.

At that precise moment, The Beans had reached their expiration date on the shelf and were discarded into the trash, eventually ending up on the street. As clouds gathered and transformed the sky, rain poured down from La Madre Grande's ocean, carrying the beans into the depths of human infrastructure.  Against all odds, they sprouted and grew into the largest beanstalk the world had ever seen.

As the beanstalk continued to grow, it twisted and turned, weaving its way through buildings and bridges, reaching heights that seemed impossible. People marveled at the sight, some even climbing up to explore the mysterious plant that seemed to defy all logic. The beanstalk became a symbol of hope and resilience, a reminder that even discarded things can bloom into something extraordinary. It served as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging others to see the potential in the seemingly mundane and overlooked. And so, the world was forever changed by the humble beans that dared to defy their fate by exploring the depths of imagination.  Which itself comes from somewhere.   

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The End

This story is dedicated to my children.  Lily, Evie, Riley & Poppy.  You have illuminated the world around me in ways you have yet to imagine.


June 15, 2024